Tuesday, 26 December 2017

5 healthy drinks to keep your winters warm

Winter has finally arrived and you may be suffering with cold or cough due to the cold weather. In order to keep your body warm, you may have had some medicines, but couldn’t get the desirable results. You can enjoy your winters a cup of something delicious and keep your body warm.
Here in this blog, we are going to share the 5 healthy drinks with a pinch of Indian Whiskey to keep your winters warm. Let’s not waste time and taste the goodness of some hot drinks.

  • Liquor up hot chocolate

Add some chocolates with milk and whiskey and prepare the best drink to keep you warm during winters. This drink will surely give you an amazing taste with some health benefits. So have it and enjoy!

  • Hot whiskey

This drink will surely warm up your winters and give you an amazing taste. Just add some whiskey with hot water, honey, lemon and cloves and prepare a hot toddy drink, which carries an amazing taste as well as health benefits.

  • Whiskey cocktail

Add your favourite whiskey with some orange juice. As the orange has vitamin C and nutrients so it will prevent you from infections during winters. You can have this drink during the night time to get better effects.

  • Whiskey coffee

Everyone loves coffee during winter and what if you get the mélange of your two favorite drinks. Yes, here we are talking about whiskey and coffee. Mix your favorite whiskey with coffee and sugar and then add heavy cream.

  • Apple whiskey

Add your whiskey with apple cider and get the health benefits of the antioxidants in apple cider. If you are diabetic, then avoid this drink, as it has high sugar content. Mixing whiskey with apple cider is healthier than mixing it with soda and water.
These are some amazing alcohol, drinks to make your winter warms. You can try this time Premium whisky, which is manufactured by Bang Brews. They are leading manufacturers of Premium & Blended whisky in India.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Why whiskey creates a perfect health for us?

Whiskey is the most preferred and amazing drink that gives a rich & delicious, taste to both of its beginners and lovers. As we all know that whiskey offers such a great health benefits and gives a perfect health to us, but do you really know the reason behind it? No, then don’t worry, in this blog, the best manufacturer of top whiskey in India tells you everything about the whiskey.

Best Whisky Brand in India.png

There is no doubt that whiskey is everyone’s favorite drink. Whiskey in a moderate consumption really creates a perfect health for us and has a positive effect on your health too. It is a water of life and that water is rich in aroma and has an amazing taste. It will compel you to taste it again and again and gives you a full relaxation with a happy mood. Most of the people prefer whiskey as it is also a stress destroyer. It also offers numerous benefits to our health.
Here are some reasons for why whiskey creates a perfect health for us.
  • It is rich in antioxidants
Whiskey is the only liquor that is rich in antioxidants. You can drink in a moderate consumption and makes your health perfect. This is the only liquor that helps you to maintain a healthy weight and has high level of ellagic acid.
  • Protects heart health
Whiskey  is a major player that protects heart health.  If you consume a moderate amount of whiskey, then it reduces the chance of stroke or heart attack. So, enjoy whiskey in a moderate consumption and get many benefits.  
  • Boost immune system
Whiskey has a conventional role in preventing unwellness and perform the function of the system. Now, we have a tendency to see that the antioxidants and trace levels of vitamins in liquor do in fact stimulate the immune system.
So, these are the reasons for why whiskey creates a perfect health for us. If you are also a whiskey lover and wants to buy a whiskey, then buy whiskey from Bang Brews, is the top manufacturer of the best whiskey in India. So, Opt for the best whiskey brand in India and enjoy water of life with friends.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Why whiskey is the most preferred drink?

Whiskey is always preferred drink for both men and women. Men and women love it & enjoy it more than any other drinks. It is the most lovable drink and also offers many health benefits to human health. In this blog, I am going to share the reasons why Indian Whisky and Premium whisky is one of the most preferred drinks.

Real men drink whiskey. Whiskey has so many brands, varieties and flavors. It is rich in aroma and taste. It is a distilled spirit that is made from grain mash. Whiskey is of 3 types bourbon, scotch and rye. They all have the same appearance, but different taste. These all give you an amazing taste and compel you to taste it again and again. It is a healthy drink that keeps your body fat free and disease free. Always drink whiskey in moderate consumption and get numerous benefits. Now, below are the reasons.

Here are some reasons for why whiskey is the most preferred drink.
  • Whiskey fights cancer
  • Water of life
  • Whiskey lowers the risk of dementia
For more details go on Blog Source : https://bangbrews.weebly.com/blog/why-whiskey-is-the-most-preferred-drink


Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Premium alcohol in India | How Enjoys Life With Whiskey?

Whiskey is a matter of good taste. It makes you pretty, well and most popular spirit in the world. It has an amazing taste, flavor, and different varieties. So, in this blog, I am going to share how you can enjoy your life with the great taste of whiskey.

Whiskey is really good for your health and it soothes your mind, warm you in winter season and also relax your body. Whiskey should  be consumed in moderation.  Drinking whiskey helps  you to lose weight and gives you a dashing figure. You can choose, whiskey while you are on a diet. This will help you to have an awesome waistline. It also eases the cold and viral flu symptoms. It is also called “liquid sunshine” as it is simply a delicious drink. Now, It’s time to look  at the points below.

Here are some points that explain you how you can enjoy life with whiskey.

1.    Whiskey prevents cancer

Whiskey may help to prevent cancer as it contains more ellagic acid than red wine. If you drink single malt whisky then it is enough to give you a great health. Whisky is an antioxidant, which absorbs the free radical in the body.

2.    Whiskey can relieve the stress
There is nothing relaxing than sitting on a chair and taking a little sip of whiskey. It slows brain activity and will increase blood circulation, each of that causes an increased feeling of tranquility.

3.    Drinking whiskey is very patriotic
You can also drink whiskey to indicate your support for your country.  The point is that true patriots don’t simply say they are loyal - they prove it through their drinks.

So, these are the points that explain you how you can enjoy life with whiskey. I suggest you to always drink quality whiskey in a moderate consumption that is good for your health. You can buy imported whisky from the Bang Brews. Bang Brews is the best manufacturer that manufactures blended whisky in India. So, buy from Bang Brews and enjoy your life with whiskey.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Indian liquor | Enjoy The Royal Taste Of Whiskey

I have seen most of the people do not enjoy the real or royal taste of the amazing liquor, whiskey. They add some ice cubes, cold drinks, and soda flavor also and ruin its taste. By adding these things they make it bad. They excitedly add these things and without knowing destroy the real taste of whiskey. They think adding preservatives in the whiskey makes it taste better, but I am telling you this is a very bad decision.

Whiskey is the distilled alcoholic beverage. It offers many varieties and types. Whiskey is rich in taste and aroma. Whiskey gives a perfect taste to your tongue. Most of the Indians love to drink whiskey. Drinking whisky in a moderate consumption does not have any bad effect on your body. Manly and sophisticated cocktails are also good for health, but not as whiskey. It is a sip of satisfaction that gives you a perfect taste. Whiskey has a great history and there are so many random facts about the whiskey. Whiskey makes you happy and release your stress. The whiskey lovers are always in the benefits as it offers so many benefits. Now, given below are the points that describe you how you can enjoy the royal taste of the whiskey.

Let’s start with the basic point that describe you how you can enjoy the royal taste of the whiskey. ..

Source : http://bit.ly/2zIqtN4

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Facts You Must Know About Premium Whisky To Sound Smart In Front Of Your Friends

There are a lot of liquor shops out there and you don’t have to go far to buy your favorite drink, especially whiskey. Whiskey is one of the most popular drinks all around the world, which is distilled today in at least 23 countries. There is no doubt to say that the spirit is enjoyed by millions of spirits worldwide.

Although we know that whiskey is widely appreciated, but still people are not much aware about it. So, in order to let you know some facts about whiskey, I’ve brought this article for you. Being one of the Premium Whisky, I am here to tell you some amazing facts about your favorite drink, whiskey. Let’s not waste time and know some interesting facts about whiskey.

1.    Whiskey is a liquid gold
Yes, whiskey is a liquid gold for Indian, as India is the largest producer and consumer of whiskey. Roughly half of the whiskey is drunk by the Indians. So, India is far away the world’s biggest guzzler.

2.    Whiskey was first made in Scotland
Whiskey was first produced in Scotland in 1494, but it didn’t go through the aging process. “Scotch” was the name given the whiskeys.

3.    Indians appreciate whisky better than most cultures
Most whiskeys have a rich and complex flavor and there is a bit spiciness and smokiness. The spicy and smoky aroma and more intense flavors of whiskey are appreciated by Indians. Indians have a deeper understanding and appreciation of some of the rich and powerful flavors of whiskey.

4.    Whiskey last forever
Yes, that’s absolutely true. An unopened bottle of whiskey can last forever. Time can alter the flavor of whiskey, but it will not spoil.

5.    A good object of investment
Whiskey is the best object for investment. Did you know a 17 years old whiskey Ardberg cost $75 in February 2005 and $198 in November 2007? Hike of of almost 250% in 30 months. You must be thinking to buy a bottle of whiskey for investment.

6.    There is no right way to drink whiskey
You must have checked the right way to drink whiskey online and surely you will get a lot of ways to drink it, as a cocktail, neat, with ice and with water. But the thing is there has never been one single right way to drink whiskey.

So, these are the interesting facts about whiskey, you were supposed to know, if you are a whisky lover. No worries, now you can sound smart in front of your friends by telling them these facts.

Being a whisky lover, you wanted to know the best whiskey you can taste this weekend. I would suggest you to have Bang Bang whiskey, which is manufactured by GAACL and marketed by Bang Brews. The amazing aroma of whiskey and heart throbbing taste will let you taste it again and again. The whiskey is manufactured by the best whiskey brand in India.

Monday, 23 October 2017

How to choose best Whisky brands

If you are a whisky lover and it’s your bad luck, if you don’t know the varieties of the whiskey. Do you know there are many types of whiskey that contains different types, color, and also taste. So, in this blog, I am going to share the different varieties of the whiskey.
I told you many times that whiskey is always the best drink that offers you many health benefits and gives you an amazing taste in every sip. Whiskey is made from the fermented grain mash, it is the distilled alcoholic beverage.  It is the most popular form of alcohol. It is the amazing  beverage than other liquors and if you did not taste any liquor yet, then I would suggest you to start with whiskey and trust me, you will surely fall in love with it. Now, focus on the given below varieties of the blended whisky in India.


Let’s start with the first variety of whiskey.
  1. Scotch whiskey
Scotch is the most popular type of whiskey in India and foreign countries. It is the most preferred whiskey. Scotch is the spirit that is made from malted barley. There is no additive and fermentation added to scotch whisky.
  1. Tennessee whiskey
Tennessee is the straight bourbon made in the state of the Tennessee. It is the only type of whiskey, which puts the spirit through a charcoal filtering process.
  1. Rye whiskey
Rye whiskey is made in Canada. It is made from rye mash. The producers of Rye whiskey, add rye in it to posses the aroma and taste that are attributed to Canadian whiskey.
  1. Irish whiskey
It is  the pretty much whiskey. Irish whiskey is the most common type of whiskey. It is made in northern Ireland. It is fermented from yeast fermented grain mash.
So, these are the different varieties of whiskey. You can taste any of them varieties. They all give a taste of satisfaction. You should always drink quality whiskey. The best manufacture of the best whiskey is Bang Brews. Bang Brews produces the best blended whiskey in India. You can buy from Bang brews and get the best variety of whiskey.

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Thursday, 12 October 2017

Tips to become a whiskey lover girl. Must follow these tips

Do you love whiskey? A lot of women will say yes, but still they didn’t know the real taste of whiskey. They don’t even know the difference between Scotch, Bourbon, Canadian and American whiskey. If you are also one of those people, then you are not a real whiskey lover. Here in this article, I am going to share the tips to become a whiskey lover girl.

If you have never tried whiskey, then it must be your dream to try it. Whiskey is a popular drink, which have rich flavours and enchanting aroma. Everyone wants to taste it and that is why we gonna share some tips that can help you to become a whiskey lover girl. After following these tips, you won’t be the only soft drink lover among your friends in the party.

1.     Drink high quality whiskey
If it is your first time, then you won’t like the sour taste of whiskey. In order to decrease the sourness from the taste of whiskey, you need to buy best whiskeybrands. You need to purchase a branded whisky to truly enjoy the taste of your drink.

2.     Relax, you are doing it right!
When you will first drink whiskey, then you will think that you are doing it wrong. There is not right way to drink whiskey, as you have your own way to drink it. Don’t drink it straight, you can add coke, when you drink whiskey for the first time, so that you don’t get its sour taste too much. To get the full taste and aroma, you can max it with ice.

3.     Adding water is not a bad idea
Adding water in the whiskey can be the best idea, as it increases its flavour and aroma. Water makes it an enjoyable drink. Before you will swallow the whiskey with the drops of water, swirl it around in your mouth and enjoy its enchanting taste and aroma.

So, these are the three most popular tips, you should follow while having your first whiskey. You should drink a good quality whiskey on a moderate basis when you drink it for the first time. You can taste Bang Bang spirit (a leading blended whiskey in India), which is manufactured by one of the Top Whisky manufacturers in India, i.e., Bang Brews. 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Why most of the people prefer to drink whiskey?

I have seen most of the people in the bars and in the parties, who always prefer to drink whiskey. Do you know the reason behind it? Actually, I told you in the previous blog, the whiskey gives you many benefits. Because of its qualities and benefits, people love it and always prefer to drink the whiskey on every occasion. In this blog, I am going to share the reasons for why people prefer to drink whiskey. This blog is brought to you by the top whiskey manufactures in India.

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Whiskey is the most preferred cocktail for every men and women. Whiskey in a moderate consumption is always helpful and even healthy for you. If you did not taste any liquor ever, then I would suggest you to taste whiskey, which gives satisfactory taste in every sip. Whiskey is a beverage that gives you an amazing taste and makes your body fit and perfect.  Now, given below are the reasons for why people prefer to drink whiskey.
Let’s start with the basic reason for why most of the people prefer to drink whiskey.
  1. Health benefits
Drinkinh whiskey in moderate consumption can be beneficial for you in many ways. It facilitates you many health benefits such as prevents dementia, heart stroke, common  cold and improves your digestive system. It also reduces internal blood clotting. Whiskey gives you perfect health and make you safe from other diseases.
  1. Whiskey is low carb and fat free
Whiskey contains low calories and zero fat. Drinking whiskey helps to lose your weight and make you strong. So, make whiskey soup of the day and enjoy the moderate consumption of this best coacktail.
  1. Water of life
Whiskey means the water of life. So, enjoy the moderate consumption of “water of life” and get great health through whiskey.
So, these are the reasons why people prefer to drink whiskey. I would suggest you to drink whiskey in a moderate basis, so that you body never get harmed. Always drink good and superior quality of whiskey. To get the best quality of whiskey, you can opt for the Bang Brews, the best whiskey brand in India. They manufacture best whiskey in India.  So, buy the best quality whiskey from Bang Brews and get the perfect and top whiskey in India.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Consumption of Whiskey is on the rise in India due to its benefits

India has emerged as world’s fastest growing whiskey Import market, as the consumption of imported whiskey has increased among Indians. Today, every youngster drinks whiskey in order to enjoy life with friends. Whether its men or women, both are liberal these days and can handle their whiskey without any problem.

The internet is full with the health benefits of whiskey. If you will search the health benefits of whiskey on Google, thousands of results will open. So, that is why people are inclining towards drinking whiskey, which is automatically increasing its consumption among people of India. Below we are going to discuss, some of the common health benefits of drinking whiskey in moderation. Here we go;
  1. It soothes cold and cough
People generally drink whiskey to get rid of cold and cough. It is the best medicine to cure allergies and improve blood circulation. Excessive alcohol consumption can impact your health negatively, so it is advised to drink it moderately to see better results.
  1. Control diabetes
These days, diabetes has become a common health problem among people. Even young people are also facing this problem. People are drinking whiskey in moderate amount to reduce the change of getting a serious health disease called diabetes. Whiskey can improve your body’s ability to regulate glucose level and insulin, thereby lowering the possibility of developing a serious health problem called diabetes.
  1. Fights with cancer
Cancer is the most dangerous and devastating disease known to the mankind and if you can reduce the risk of having cancer by drinking whiskey, then you should definitely drink it. Whiskey has one of the most powerful antioxidant known as ellagic acid, which makes it an effective preventative measure against cancer.
These are some cheery health benefits of whiskey, which you were supposed to know.  Leading manufacturer of Premium alcohol in India brought this write up for you to let you know why Indian people are consuming whiskey and why it is high in demand. Due the several health benefits, women are also consuming whiskey these days. It is very common to drink whiskey in India now. We would like to tell you that whiskey is a boon, if drink on a moderate basis, but if you will drink it on a regular basis, then it can cause a lot of health issues to your health.

If you want to celebrate your grand occasion, then celebrate it with Bang Bang and On the Rocks whisky. Both whiskies are especially developed with Indian Grain Spirit. These Indian whiskey brands are distilled in a grain based distillery named Bang Brews located in Gurgaon. They want to provide superior quality alcohol to their customers by exceeding their expectations.

Blog Source :

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

5 things women who drink whiskey are tired of hearing

Being a woman is tough, as all the rules and regulations have been strictly prepared for us only. Staying in a patriarchal society stops us from living a life of our own dreams. But when it comes to whiskey, we don’t care about the society. We love enjoying the occasions with a glass whiskey just like anyone else.

Being a whiskey loving woman, I am here to tell all the things we are tired of hearing from the relatives, friends and colleagues. I brought this blog, so that people who think that women can’t drink whiskey won’t be inclined to ask them something ridiculous.

Have you heard these before?

1.      Whiskey is a man’s drink.
Whiskey is often associated with the boys, but let me remind you people that we women can also enjoy whiskey with the same capacity, as men do.

2.      Do you even know the different between scotch and bourbon?
The first thing I want to tell people is that you don’t have to understand the difference to drink it. But still let me tell you that scotch is prepared from malted barley, while bourbon is prepared from corn.

3.      How much hangover you will get in the morning?
Hangover varies among different body types, not genders. So, we can handle two, three or even four pegs of whiskey without getting hangover next day.

4.      Do you actually like the taste?
Women have a better sense of taste than man because women have more taste buds than men. So, women can taste the difference between different whiskeys better than men.
5.      Drinking whiskey is not good for your health.

Having whiskey is like having magical drops in your throat. Drinking moderate for everyone is quite healthy, it doesn’t matter which gender you are.

So, these are the things, which every whiskey drinking woman is tired of hearing. I would suggest you have your favorite whiskey brands and enjoy. Ignore people and their stupid talks. I would suggest you to choose Bang Bang whiskey, which is one of the best Indianwhiskey brands you can have during your next party. 

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Check out the top 3 whiskey cocktails for warm celebrations

I have seen a lot of people to get bored after drinking the same type of whiskey again and again. They should try a new type of whiskey that makes them feel good. So, today, in this blog, I am going to share the top 5 whiskey cocktails for warm celebrations that will let you enjoy the same drink again and again.
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The whiskey cocktails are smooth, flavored and will give a better taste as compared to the neat spirits. The whiskey cocktails are slowly gaining a grip in the pubs and the minds of the new generation. So, don’t wait more, and know the top whiskey cocktails for warm celebrations.
Let’s elaborate the 3 whiskey cocktails for your warm celebrations.
  1. Whiskey sour
The whiskey sour is very popular among older folks. You can blend it in your favorite whiskey along with some fresh lemon juice and powdered sugar to make it highly popular drink. The sour taste of lemon will really compel you to take  a sip and excite you to enjoy the celebration.
  1. Weng Weng
This is the drink, which is directly hailing from the Philippines. It is easily found in  the party halls and is a very strong drink. It is the whiskey cocktails  that blends in Bourbon, scotch, vodka, brandy and rum. It is usually sipped slowly.
  1. Godfather
There is American classic inspired by the movie the “godfather”. It is available at all the pubs and bars and generally served in an old fashioned scotch glass. It is known for the blend of bitter and sweet taste.
Image result for Blended whisky in India gif
So, these are the whiskey cocktails for your warm celebrations. If you also want to taste these cocktails, you can opt for bang Band and On the Rock manufactured by the Bang Brews, which is the leading manufacturer of premium alcohol in India and provides you the high quality whiskeys that compel you to taste them. So, buy the top blended whisky in India from the Bang Brews and make your favorite cocktail. 
Image result for Premium alcohol in India gif

Ref : 

Friday, 1 September 2017

Attractive qualities about the girls who drink whisky

Whisky Brands

A girl having badass behavior and self confidence is a rare breed. There are many girls who drink wine and vodka, but what about the girls, who drinks whiskey. Surely, it is not common to find girls who drink whiskey, but they exist. They are self confident as well as badass and will definitely take your heart. They love whisky brands and are adaptable by nature.

 Here are the top qualities of the women who drink whiskey:-

1.      They are adorably smart
When a woman drinks whiskey, she is very specific by the particular brand. She knows what she wants. She is very smart.

2.      They are interesting
Women who drink whiskey are very interesting. They are mature and got an old soul.  They can handle their liquor and know their limit.

3.      They are independent
The girl who handles her whiskey can handle herself very well. She doesn’t need anyone to look after her, as she is independent and this makes her more attractive.

4.      They can hang with boys
A lot of women don’t drink, so the women who drink whiskey generally don’t have good girl friends. They only hang with the boys and enjoy their life.

5.      They are very straight forward
The life is either black or white for the women who drink whiskey. There nothing gray, as they are not afraid to speak their mind. They don’t want to waste their time on doing things they don’t enjoy. They are honest and blunt.

6.      They are unpredictable
The women who drink whiskey are not your typical girl because they believe in living an independent lifestyle unlike anyone else you know.

So, these are the qualities of the women who drink whiskey. Hope you will find the article interesting. Being a girl I am very glad to discuss these topics. I brought this blog on the behalf of Bang Brews, which is one of the best Indian whisky brands in India. The two most popular whiskey brands of Bang Brews are Bang Bang and On The rocks, which you should definitely try. 

Friday, 25 August 2017

Reasons Why Whisky is your Best Friend

We call whisky the best drink for a reason. It is least likely to give a hangover, if consumed in the right amount. It gives you great health as well as keeps you away from other issues. In this blog, I am going to share some reasons that will surely convince you to drink whiskey. In this blog, I will share the reasons why whisky is your best friends. Let’s take a look at these reasons brought to you by one of the best Indian whisky brands.

1.      It is a stress buster
Stress is really harmful for your body and sometimes the root of many serious health problems. Not everyone has a best friend to share their worries and reduce stress, so they choose whiskey to bust stress. Whisky helps to relax your nerves and regulating oxygenated blood to all your organs, which leads to the reduction of stress.

2.      It doesn’t make you fat
Whisky is low on carbs, which makes it a perfect choice for those who are maintaining their weight. Girls can also have it because one shot of whiskey roughly contains 64 calories, so you don’t have to worry about your health. Whisky also keeps your body away from harmful diseases.

3.      It tastes like heaven
The main reason we love whiskey is that it taste amazing and its delightful flavor take us to the heaven. It gives us a great joy. I personally love the flavor and aroma of whisky and that’s why taste in on every weekend with friends.

Being a whisky lover, I am glad to tell you the reasons why whiskey is your best friend. It is my best friend also. I personally love Bang Bang whisky, which is crafted by Bang Brews. It is one of the best whisky brands in India, so have it and enjoy your evening with friends.

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Contact Name : Bangbrews
Phone:+91 1244263333, +91 1244263933,9508202020
Address:A25/11,DLF Phase I, Gurgaon HR 122002

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Facts you should know about whiskey that will really excite you to drink it.

imported whisky

In India, you can find that Most of the people love whisky. It is a spirit distilled alcoholic beverages that are made from the fermented grain mash. In this article, I have brought some facts that you must know about the whisky that will really excite you to take a sip of whisky. 

Whisky is made from different grains that are used for different varieties, including barley, corn, rye and wheat. Whisky gives a perfect satisfaction to your tongue. Most of the Indians love the whiskeys and they drink it without knowing the facts about it. Drinking moderate whisky does not have any bad effect on your body. A person who drinks moderately have many benefits. Manly and sophisticated cocktails are also good for health, but not as whiskey. It is a sip of satisfaction that gives you a perfect taste. Whiskey has a great history and there are so many random facts about the whiskey. 

Let's start with the most basic facts that you should know about whisky and will really excite you to drink it.

1.      It is actually clear
Whiskey is completely clear in its natural and unage form. The color and flavor of the whiskey are acquired from the oak casts during the aging process as well as from addictive, which influences color, not taste. The less expensive whiskies tend to contain caramel, which is the addictive of the color.
2.      150 years and counting....
The oldest exciting whiskey is believed to be a special liquor whiskey. It currently holds the Guiness world record for world's oldest whiskey and it was auctioned for extraordinary dollar 16,1519.88. So, for the ancient times, the whiskey is the growing and tend to be best liquor than other liquors.
3.      Scotch is scarce
The scotch is a type of whiskey, which has now become the most growing liquor for many people in India also. The sales of scotch have more than doubled since 2005. If the demand exponentially increases, the actual product is becoming less and less available. The available blenders are not as real as the original product.
4.      Angels like to slurp too
Whiskey is aged in barrels, and gradually loses the volume through the evaporation at a rate of two or four percent year. You can also see the result of this process, it will turn black by the rising alcohol vapor. It is jokingly called as the angel's share.
So, these are the facts about whiskey that you must know and will surely excite you to taste a sip of whiskey that gives a sip of satisfaction. Drinking moderate whisky will really blow your mind and there is no any bad effect on your body. It gives immunity to your body. So, drink a moderate whiskey that is good for your health. 

Top Whisky manufacturers in India

One of the leading manufacturers of whiskey is Bang Brews, which creates the best imported whisky & Indian whisky. Bang Bang and On The Rocks is the best liquor crafted by Bang Brews. Every taste of these liquors gives you a perfect sip. Choose Bang Brews Whisky and get the best alcoholic taste you desired for.