Tuesday, 26 December 2017

5 healthy drinks to keep your winters warm

Winter has finally arrived and you may be suffering with cold or cough due to the cold weather. In order to keep your body warm, you may have had some medicines, but couldn’t get the desirable results. You can enjoy your winters a cup of something delicious and keep your body warm.
Here in this blog, we are going to share the 5 healthy drinks with a pinch of Indian Whiskey to keep your winters warm. Let’s not waste time and taste the goodness of some hot drinks.

  • Liquor up hot chocolate

Add some chocolates with milk and whiskey and prepare the best drink to keep you warm during winters. This drink will surely give you an amazing taste with some health benefits. So have it and enjoy!

  • Hot whiskey

This drink will surely warm up your winters and give you an amazing taste. Just add some whiskey with hot water, honey, lemon and cloves and prepare a hot toddy drink, which carries an amazing taste as well as health benefits.

  • Whiskey cocktail

Add your favourite whiskey with some orange juice. As the orange has vitamin C and nutrients so it will prevent you from infections during winters. You can have this drink during the night time to get better effects.

  • Whiskey coffee

Everyone loves coffee during winter and what if you get the mélange of your two favorite drinks. Yes, here we are talking about whiskey and coffee. Mix your favorite whiskey with coffee and sugar and then add heavy cream.

  • Apple whiskey

Add your whiskey with apple cider and get the health benefits of the antioxidants in apple cider. If you are diabetic, then avoid this drink, as it has high sugar content. Mixing whiskey with apple cider is healthier than mixing it with soda and water.
These are some amazing alcohol, drinks to make your winter warms. You can try this time Premium whisky, which is manufactured by Bang Brews. They are leading manufacturers of Premium & Blended whisky in India.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Why whiskey creates a perfect health for us?

Whiskey is the most preferred and amazing drink that gives a rich & delicious, taste to both of its beginners and lovers. As we all know that whiskey offers such a great health benefits and gives a perfect health to us, but do you really know the reason behind it? No, then don’t worry, in this blog, the best manufacturer of top whiskey in India tells you everything about the whiskey.

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There is no doubt that whiskey is everyone’s favorite drink. Whiskey in a moderate consumption really creates a perfect health for us and has a positive effect on your health too. It is a water of life and that water is rich in aroma and has an amazing taste. It will compel you to taste it again and again and gives you a full relaxation with a happy mood. Most of the people prefer whiskey as it is also a stress destroyer. It also offers numerous benefits to our health.
Here are some reasons for why whiskey creates a perfect health for us.
  • It is rich in antioxidants
Whiskey is the only liquor that is rich in antioxidants. You can drink in a moderate consumption and makes your health perfect. This is the only liquor that helps you to maintain a healthy weight and has high level of ellagic acid.
  • Protects heart health
Whiskey  is a major player that protects heart health.  If you consume a moderate amount of whiskey, then it reduces the chance of stroke or heart attack. So, enjoy whiskey in a moderate consumption and get many benefits.  
  • Boost immune system
Whiskey has a conventional role in preventing unwellness and perform the function of the system. Now, we have a tendency to see that the antioxidants and trace levels of vitamins in liquor do in fact stimulate the immune system.
So, these are the reasons for why whiskey creates a perfect health for us. If you are also a whiskey lover and wants to buy a whiskey, then buy whiskey from Bang Brews, is the top manufacturer of the best whiskey in India. So, Opt for the best whiskey brand in India and enjoy water of life with friends.